Geranium, oil of Transformation and Divine Feminine
Geranium essential oil is the oil of transformation, it is also extremely balancing and extremely feminine essential oil. Also geranium oil is an archetypal oil. It represents the archetype of a mother, of a wife and of a young woman. As an archetype of a mother geranium helps us to find these mothering, nurturing, caring, […]
Healing Heart Chakra With Essential Oils
When we talk about Heart chakra we talk about the energy of love, forgiveness, compassion, acceptance, receptivity. The Heart chakra is also a place where our earth and spiritual aspirations are integrated, a place where we transcend our personal identity and the limitations of our ego; that is also a level where we are learning […]
Healing Solar Plexus Chakra With Essential Oils
Essential oils are powerful tools to be used in helping us to align the energy of the Solar Plexus chakra. Before starting using essential oils it’s essential to understand what Solar Plexus is about. This chakra basically represents the measure of a degree of control in our daily life; it also represents the vibration which […]
Angelica Essential Oil
In Chinese traditional medicine people used different types of angelica plant to treat female disorders, to promote fertility and to fortify the spirit. Due to its benefits and power it got such a strong reputation that it comes second only after ginseng. Also angelica plant was traditionally used to treat bronchitis and to aid digestion. […]
Open And Align Your Sacral Chakra With Essential Oils
Sacral chakra is all about the joy and pleasure, all about our desire. In this context desire creates a movement and movement creates a change. Sacral chakra is all about this movement, desire, sexuality, sensuality, it is the energy of creativity, procreation, nurturing, mothering, joy. The location is in our lower abdomen and it is […]
How To Align Your Root Chakra With Essential Oils
Before using essential oils for opening, aligning or balancing the energy flow in the Root chakra it’s important to understand the energy of the Root chakra and what it represents. Root chakra itself is associated with all of our basic needs, sense of security, stability, safety, abundance, sense of belonging and it’s also very grounding […]
7 Daily Uses Of Frankincense Essential Oil
My first real introduction with Frankincense essential oil was few years ago when I purchased an essential oil kit. To be honest I bought it partly because it included frankincense essential oil. Anyway, I was intuitively in love with this oil even though I didn’t really know how to use it. And of course needless […]
Frankincense For Mind Body Spirit
Frankincense is one of these essential oils which you can’t have enough. Frankincense, or olibanum, is now distilled from the resin of frankincense tree, was a very important incense and played a big role in life of ancient civilizations, from Ancient Egyptians to Roman Empire. Traditionally frankincense has been used by Egyptians in many ways […]
Peppermint For Mind Body And Spirit
Peppermint in no doubt is one of the most popular and commonly used essential oils. As a herb it was used by Ancient Egyptians as a ritual perfume and was one of the ingredients of their sacred incense Kyphi. In Ancient Greece and Rome peppermint was also valued a lot, it was used to scent […]
10 Essential Oils To Help Stimulate Imagination
If you have ever been observing kids, how they play, you probably noticed how great imagination they have. They have no limitations in their imagination. But as we get older for some reasons we shut down our imagination. Imagination is very important to artists, to any creative person, and to anyone who is in one […]