If you have ever been observing kids, how they play, you probably noticed how great imagination they have. They have no limitations in their imagination. But as we get older for some reasons we shut down our imagination.

Imagination is very important to artists, to any creative person, and to anyone who is in one or another way involved in the process of creative visualization.


Imagination can be stimulated in many ways, but here I want to share with you some of my favorite, trusted, proven and most used essential oils, which I personally find to be really helpful in stimulating the imagination.

  1. Orange has very bright, very cheerful and joyful aroma. It is stimulating, energizing and very uplifting. It stimulates our imagination. Inhaling orange essential oil brings this childish spirit which has no limitations towards imagination.
  2. Bergamot is very uplifting, very cheerful and happy oil and at the same time it’s calming and soothing. It is gentle and calming to the nervous system yet it helps to stimulate our imagination.
  3. Petitgrain has very refreshing and green scent. It affects our creativity and imagination in a good way, it gives the possibility to new ideas and freshness to come into our mind. 
  4. Coriander essential oil has fruity slightly sweet aroma, it’s refreshing, it stimulates our imagination and gives the opportunity to the new ideas to be born. First we have these ideas born in our minds, our imagination and they they have a chance to be realized into the reality.
  5. Clove has spicy sweet aroma, it also comes from the seeds and in a similar way to coriander it helps to stimulate our imagination and give the opportunity for the new ideas to be created.
  6. Jasmine has exotic floral aroma, it’s very sensual and helps to open up our sensuality, feelings, imagination. It encourages us to drop down the limitations we might have and give deep into our imaginary world.
  7. Ylang Ylang is very similar here to jasmine, it also has sweet exotic floral aroma, it also opens our senses, our receptivity, it brings beautiful emotions, and lets our imagination to take over.
  8. Rose has floral sweet aroma, it’s very gently and can be even called a Divine scent, it helps to bring sense of romance, beauty and divinity into our imagination. 
  9. Neroli has sweet floral gentle aroma, it brings the sense of pureness and divinity, romance, lightness which can take us high in a limitless possibility of imagination.
  10. Geranium is very feminine scent, it brings the feminine energy which is like water which flows with ease and always finds a way to overcome obstacles. It stimulates our imagination in a similar way, to overcome limitations and set us free.

The last 5 essential oils, jasmine, ylang ylang, rose, neroli and geranium I find to always be the perfect match when it comes to manifestation or visualization or anything related to the love life, to attracting a new love, bringing current relationships to a new level or bringing back this sense of romance and passion, bringing the Honeymoon back.

Have a beautiful day,