Peppermint For Mind Body And Spirit

Peppermint in no doubt is one of the most popular and commonly used essential oils. As a herb it was used by Ancient Egyptians as a ritual perfume and was one of the ingredients of their sacred incense Kyphi. In Ancient Greece and Rome peppermint was also valued a lot, it was used to scent […]

6 Types Of Psychic Abilities And How To Tune Into Them

Quite often when it comes to psychic abilities the first one which usually comes in mind is clairvoyance. However there are more then that. And I believe that we all have at least one, just not all of us are able to open them up. Clairvoyance (clear seeing) is the ability to see objects, symbols, […]

Smudging Negative Energy Out

Smudging was traditionally used for many years by our ancestors. They would use some herbs and grasses and woods which were considered to be sacred in that specific area they lived in. So it depends on where you’re living, what’s naturally growing in that region and what’s considered to be sacred. Most commonly used smudges […]

10 Essential Oils To Help Stimulate Imagination

If you have ever been observing kids, how they play, you probably noticed how great imagination they have. They have no limitations in their imagination. But as we get older for some reasons we shut down our imagination. Imagination is very important to artists, to any creative person, and to anyone who is in one […]

Chakras 101

The entire universe is a manifestation of energy, which is present in all forms that we see and perceive. As a part of the universe we also consist of energy, we generate, burn and transform energy in our body. In our subtle body we have spinning energy centers, called chakras, also knows as “wheels of […]

11 Daily Uses Of Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil is one of the most versatile and favorite oil for many people. It has a very sweet, fresh, minty, candy-like aroma. And of course it can benefit us in many ways, not only physically but also mentally. Energy boost. Diffusing it in the morning to wake up can be equal to a […]

7 Essential Oils For Grounding

Grounding…. We tend to spend too much time in our heads, we analyze things, think or worry about the future possibilities, or getting stuck with our thoughts in a past, sort of reliving it over and over again, or thinking about what I could’ve done different and so on. We may also go through some […]

Copaiba For Mind Body And Spirit

Copaiba (Copaifera officinalis) essential oil is coming from the resin via distillation process. As all other resinous oils it’s great for emotional healing and protection. Copaiba is very calming and centering essential oil. With its balsamic, resinous, exotic, slightly earthy, sensual and sweet, honey-like aroma it helps us stay balanced and ease the worry. Traditionally […]

Strongest Psychic Cleansers And Protective Essential Oils

Everything is energy. But does everything or everyone carry a good energy for us? Every single day in a modern life we go somewhere, meet other people, communicate with our family members, etc. That’s a part of our living, we can’t stay totally isolated. Each time we talk to somebody, shake hands, stay around some […]