Ground Rules in Relationships
Resentments are the #1 killer of intimacy in relationships. When we are in relationships things happen, we may get a little grudge here and resentment there, sometimes it goes away, sometimes it doesn’t. When there resentments are staying inside of it creates a snowball effect and makes it hard to sustain harmonious relationships. I personally […]
What Is My Vibration Level?
I want to share with you really cool information about why we attract what we attract. I’s sure that you already familiar with law of attraction and how it works (like attracts like). The Universe responds to what we feel, not what we think or want but what we internally vibrate. Here I’m sharing the […]
Psychosomatic Issues of Back Pain
Whenever we talk about psychosomatic issues and our physical health it always has to do with inner conflict that is not being resolved for a long period of time; about suppressed emotions that you “store” in your body. When these issues and emotions are not getting out and not getting resolved on a long period […]
How To See Auras Easily
Aura is an interconnected energy field that surrounds and extends beyond our physical body, it has several layer also known as energy bodies. The way I personally see aura, is that it has different shapes, different colors or layers of colors, it can also have one predominant color and can also change its color and […]