5 Essential Oil Blends For Deep Meditation

I’ve been in love with my oils for many years, and I often use them for myself and in my healing practice. With also personal experience I can separate scents into categories like the ones that are best for assisting during spiritual practice (resinous and conifer scents), or the ones to work with feminine energy […]

How To Forgive And Let Go Of Resentment

Let’s talk about forgiveness and how to forgive, how to let go of all that resentments and all of that emotional heavy burden that is related to resentments. Resentments, from energy healing perspective, the way I perceive them, are seen like dark heavy dense energy that is literally poisoning us from the inside. Of course […]

Throat Chakra Alignment With Essential Oils

Throat chakra is also known as Vishuddha chakra from the sanscrit. This energy center is located at our throat area between collar bones, the color is blue, the sound is HAM. The physical body parts that are associated here are shoulders, neck, throat, jaw and mouth, ears. Glands which are associated with this energy centers […]

Protective Stones For Empaths

As an empaths we have this wonderful ability of involuntary picking up all of that emotions, feelings, thoughts, even physical sensations from other people. And take it as our own. If it’s, suppose, nice and pleasant then no problem. But most of the time that’s not a case. Most of the time we are actually […]

How To Create An Energy Ball For Self-Healing

The energy ball is also known as a Chi ball. And this particular practice is very simple and easy o do but yet it is very powerful. The energy ball itself can be used in different ways. It can be used as a self-healing tool, for healing another person, healing the plant or animal. And […]

Clairvoyance. How and What you can perceive clairvoyantly.

Clairvoyance, the ability to see beyond the physical eyes, it enables us to see in some cases inside of the body, to see actual organs and what is out of synch in our physical, emotional or energy body. It also enables us to see thoughts, emotions, sounds, vibrations, energies in a form of visual vibrations […]

Geranium, oil of Transformation and Divine Feminine

Geranium essential oil is the oil of transformation, it is also extremely balancing and extremely feminine essential oil. Also geranium oil is an archetypal oil. It represents the archetype of a mother, of a wife and of a young woman. As an archetype of a mother geranium helps us to find these mothering, nurturing, caring, […]

How To Open Clairaudience

Let’s talk about Clairaudient abilities and how to develop, or better to say to open clairaudience. I believe we all have it, it’s all within us. Clairaudience is one of the psychic senses which allows us to hear beyond the physical ears. Clairaudience allows us to receive the messages, to hear the messages and to […]

Healing Heart Chakra With Essential Oils

When we talk about Heart chakra we talk about the energy of love, forgiveness, compassion, acceptance, receptivity. The Heart chakra is also a place where our earth and spiritual aspirations are integrated, a place where we transcend our personal identity and the limitations of our ego; that is also a level where we are learning […]

Healing Solar Plexus Chakra With Essential Oils

Essential oils are powerful tools to be used in helping us to align the energy of the Solar Plexus chakra. Before starting using essential oils it’s essential to understand what Solar Plexus is about. This chakra basically represents the measure of a degree of control in our daily life; it also represents the vibration which […]