Few days ago we had a pretty extreme experience with earache. It happened during the weekend on a middle of a night with one of my kid. To see a doctor we had to wait till at least next day. So I had to do some remedies for her to reduce pain which was very successful, even better then I expected it to be. I used my oils.

Out of personal experience combined with my studies I want to share 4 essential oils that are helpful in reducing earache. Before I go into it I want to remind that we do not put essential oils into the ear itself, but using it around the ear with carrier oil (trauma oil would be the best choice but any carrier can do). The recipes and how I did it you can find here.

  1. German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

German Chamomile has strong anti-inflammatory properties and is very helpful in reducing aches and pains related to inflammation. It’s also cooling essential oil which makes it very effective for relieving pain and heat. In a combination with Helichrysum it doubles its healing properties. If you don’t have German Chamomile you can substitute it with Roman Chamomile which shares very similar actions

2. Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum)

Helichrysum is another very powerful anti-inflammatory essential oil, and is also helpful in soothing aches and pains related to inflammation. This essential oil also has diuretic actions which I personally found to be good in case if there is some water trapped inside of the ear (personal observations from what we experienced)

3. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Lavender is one of the most excepted essential oils even by medical professionals in soothing the pain due to its actions which are backed up by research. It’s has strong anti-inflammatory and healing properties which makes it a great addition to blends for pain and inflammation as well as using it on its own

4. Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Tea Tree is well known for its uses to combat infections and sooth inflammations. Australian Aboriginals used its leaves for medical properties for untold millennia. Even now this oil is often a part of blends to sooth inflammation, fight infections, to treat problems like sinusitis, rhinitis and so on, which you can find in nearly all pharmacies

All of these essential oils are very gentle and safe to use with kids. In my opinion these are the oils which you really want to have in your home due to its versatility and gentle yet powerful actions.

To relieve earache you need to mix them with carrier oil (2% dilution or 6 drops per 15 ml carrier for kids and up to 5% dilution or 15 drops per 15 ml of carrier for adults) and apply with gentle massage around the ear, up to the neck or even make a compress. Never put essential oils inside of the ear itself. I shared my recipes here.

Hope you find it helpful. It’s always better to see a doctor, but if there is S.O.S situation this might be very helpful. It helped me greatly, better then I was expecting.
